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What to expect at our worship services


Our Sunday worship service

We believe that the Sunday worship service is more than just a time to hang out with friends, hear good music and an encouraging message. It is above all a meeting of the One True God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – with us, His church, His covenant people. God promises us that He will dwell among us.

The Living God

The Living God is really present in our worship – intimately so – because of our faithful Saviour, Jesus Christ. We can approach God freely because Jesus has taken our sins upon Himself on the cross. Forgiven in Christ, we are ushered into our Father’s presence by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Divine Dialogue

Our worship service is a divine dialogue – that is, when we come together for worship it is to have a conversation with God. This understanding informs what we do in our service and the way we do it. God is the initiator in this conversation: He speaks to us in the call to worship, the reading of the law, the declaration of pardon, the preaching of His Word, the administration of sacraments (Lord’s Supper and baptism), and the benediction. Primarily we come to hear from Him. Our part in this divine dialogue is always responsive in nature: we respond to God in our prayers, confession of faith, giving of our offerings, and singing.


What We Preach

We preach expository sermons – in other words, we aim to preach the “whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27). We preach through entire books of the Bible, verse by verse, hoping to faithfully and clearly explain the original God-intended meaning of the Bible. Ultimately expository preaching points us to Christ and His gospel in every sermon.


Our Community

Life-giving community – God has not only reconciled us to Himself, but He has also reconciled us to each other in Christ. Because of this, we hope to be a church with a rich and deep community, where people find meaningful connection. Please join us before the service for a cup of tea or coffee, and for our regular fellowship meals. We’d love to get to know you!


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